Are you feeling stuck in life, in any of the following areas; professional, personal, purpose or training + performance? Are you seeking guidance for what is holding you back? Or maybe you are already aware that you are in the process of growth and expansion, and clarity around what your full potential and future holds will help align you more fully.

Receive channeled messages that allow for stuck energy, old patterning and limiting beliefs to be released and to create shifts that will put you to your highest purpose and path.

Receive clarity, insights and healing from an Energy Reading session.


An energy reading provides insights into areas of your life that feel blocked or are unclear.

Kara will connect to your auric field to identify how your energy is being held in each of the seven chakras and share intuitive messages that want to come through.

Through psychic connection and mediumship, Kara receives messages directly from your energy, your higher self, spirit, ancestors, and the Akashic records to help shed light around questions you have.

Blocks being held in your energy from old traumas, stuck emotions or limiting beliefs may come up. And sometimes information from your past or parallel lives may be discussed if relevant to your current situation. This is a conversational style reading. Kara grounds insights and discusses them in a way that promotes easy integration into your day to day. During the booking process, you have the opportunity to submit questions you are seeking clarity around or intentions for the session. These will be the basis of the reading, along with the information pulled directly from your energy and any additional channeled insights.


Select your service + follow the booking link to access available times

Submit your session request, along with your questions / intentions (applicable for readings only)

Receive confirmation email with zoom link and a reminder 24 hours ahead of session

A recording of the session will be sent via email upon request

*Cancellations allowed up until 24 hours ahead of session


These sessions are designed to create meaningful shifts and healing around blocks that have been holding you back.

Are you ready to discover to your highest path?

Book your session below.

60 minute session
