Begin your evolution today


Ascended Athlete guides in the creation of harmony in mind, body and soul to allow for transformation, expansion and ease along life’s journey. Step into your highest version with the support of energy reading and attunement, expansion in consciousness and energy healing.

Healing+ Activation

Step into your highest potential following the powerful Healing + Activation session. This session combines the signature Energy Reading with the power of Energy Healing to create massive shifts within your energy. This two part session begins with channeled guidance and downloads from your energy field to bring any messages through to your consciousness.

Then an Energy Healing is performed to support in your expansion to your highest potential.

energy READING

Receive channeled insights and messages through this intuitive reading that pulls information directly from your energy and auric field.

When booking the session, you have the opportunity to submit questions you are seeking clarity around. These will be the basis of the reading, along with the messages channeled from your energy, higher self and spirit.

These sessions are a powerful tool to allow meaningful shifts and healing around blocks that have been holding you back.

Energy healing

Step into your highest potential following the powerful Healing + Activation session. This session combines the signature Energy Reading with the power of Energy Healing to create massive shifts within your energy. This two part session begins with channeled guidance and downloads from your energy field to bring any messages through to your consciousness.

Then an Energy Healing is performed to support in your expansion to your highest potential.


creating harmony


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curious about WHERE TO BEGIN?


Interested in working with Kara but not sure what you need to begin your journey?

Book a free Discovery Call to connect with Kara to determine how you can best be supported.